Healing through Steaming
I have often feel inspired to write after I see a woman who comes for steaming. This She Wisdom practice is proving to be a wonderful...
Period Care
I don't know about you but I was not taught Period Care. Yes it sounds ridiculous but true. Sure I was given pads and told that cramps...
A message for the times
We are in a window of opportunity. Take it in both hands. Now is the time to really bring your mind into focus and clarity on the soul...
Healing Vaginal Imbalances through Steaming
It is such a treat to have a client so enthusiastic about sharing her experience with me and others. Catherine is one of those women. ...
What inspired me to share steaming with women?
Introducing 'The She Steams Chronicles' Dear lovely woman, Yesterday I gave a talk about postpartum steaming to a mothers group in...
How to Harness Your Inner Fire in Inflammatory Times
Greetings beautiful woman, As we move into April and the first New Moon for the astrological year I wake with the song ‘your gonna hear...
Answering the call for deep rest
Deep Rest has called to me over the last year. I have completed a 13 year cycle on the Mayan calendar and at the beginning of a new 13...
Guilt takes up space where love could be
Dear Hearts Wow what a time we are snorkling through…. I am finding the cycles of the moon and planetary influences so potent in my life...
Breaking Free of the Chrysalis
Wow what a glorious full moon it was in Leo last night. I decided to sleep on the day bed in the living area where the full moon shines...
In the Canopy of Darkness Where Light is Born
When we create something a spirit is born. Whether it is a relationship, a home, a project, an art work, a new practice.