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Healing through Steaming

I have often feel inspired to write after I see a woman who comes for steaming. This She Wisdom practice is proving to be a wonderful asset to help us heal. Case studies are growing and the word is spreading. But there is something beyond this, something deeper that has the opportunity to transform not just one woman but the culture of women into feminine friendly and woman kind. This I what I want to talk about.

Steaming the pelvic bowl can potentially heal us physically, emotionally, mentally and in spirit. Often when a woman comes to see me she opens up and expresses how she feels about her cycle, past miscarries, abortions, births, relationships, being a woman, ageing, not having children by choice or for other personal reasons. Entering the Divine Tent of receiving nurturing for our pelvic bowl gives women an opportunity to tune in, to listen, to feel they’re hearts and speak their truth. The well of a woman is deep. It is connected to all women, through out our history on Earth, lineages of our mothers and our father, imprints of conditioning that deny feeling and our experiences resolved and unresolved. Great wisdom dwells here! Our womb is not unlike the universal womb where everything is born through. Women have an important role on this Earth, the embodiment of the Feminine aspect of the Divine. She has many faces, she has many garbs and we all express her differently in our unique way. Steaming brings a woman into closer contact with her feminine essence. To be warmed, to be gifted with plant medicine, supported by the water element, enjoying time to just be, drinking in delightful aromas, relaxing and coming home to self. Steaming quietens the mind, opens us to receive inspiration, gets our creative juices flowing, cleanses our inner river, the psyche and connects us to our body and feeling wisdom. I really do love giving women their first steam experience at my healing home. It is such a nourishing and peaceful space. This is how I experienced steaming in Bali several years ago and I never forgot it. It felt sooo good!! So natural. I had both tears of joy for this reunion with women's wisdom and tears of sadness that myself and others missed out on this. You don’t have to have a particular issue to steam. Steaming is something that fortunate blossoming young women can start from Menarche. This woman will know how to caretake herself over the lifespan of the mother cycle and through the transition into second spring later in life. My inner teen claps with joy that young budding women can have this wonderful practice as they step into the Red River. If you have been thinking about steaming but not dipped your toe in yet find a Steam practitioner near you or if you live locally come and have a steam at my healing home to experience the bliss, the beauty and joy of steaming. To book email or call 0414 767 011.


She Steams (aka yoni steaming, V*ginal Steaming) Pelvic Steam Consults, Individualised herbs, Steam Plans and Steam Sessions: Reproductive Healing Menstrual Cycle Balance Feminine / Womb Connection Postpartum Healing including abortions, miscarry and caesarian births UTIs / Prolapse / Vaginal Infections Cleansing after relationship breakups or partnerships Support for Second Spring - menopause Me Time! Includes: Consultations Steam Plans Individualised Blends - Organic Herbs and Wild Crafted when available Follow Ups


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