Breaking Free of the Chrysalis
Wow what a glorious full moon it was in Leo last night.
I decided to sleep on the day bed in the living area where the full moon shines through the window. I so enjoyed bathing in the fullness and light of the moon finding myself resting in meditation rather than sleeping.
I was shown a reel of my life from the age of 12. At some points I got up and wept, in other moments I got up and wrote and other times I felt snuggled in bliss.
This morning as I sat on the edge of the daybed I felt shimmering through my body from the touch of the Moons slivery, golden rays.
This moon cycle is helping with closure linked to the heart. This could be in relationship, dreams, projects, old patterns, past hurts, life cycles and pathways. The perceptions we hold about ourselves in the world create the frame we live in. Individually and collectively our perception of our reality is changing fast.
As we start to grow out of old perceptions we can feel challenged, uncomfortable in body and skin, things around us may be more triggering than usual, we may feel restless, anxious or just going through motions. The shell we have been wearing is too small and needs to crack open to give us more space to take up more of our true self. To crack the shell we need an internal pressure and this comes through outer and inner challenge.
Transformation happens through a shift in perception.
If I was to give this year a song it would be “I want to break free.” by Queen. Have a listen, a dance. See what arises for you. Is there something you are currently wanting to or breaking free from?
We all come to times in our lives where we want to break free.
At the moment we have more and more people rising in the streets voicing the want to break free. We have more and more people disgruntled with the systems in place and choosing other ways. Examples are wild birthing, home schooling, going vegan, ethical banking, women’s sexuality is going through a whole new reclamation with many offerings teaching women about their bodies, orgasms, their sacred anatomy. Children are showing up with more and more special needs, allergies, eating issues, learning difficulties which is altogether changing our school systems. Gay marriage being legalised. Black Lives Matter. Magazines are starting to have shapely women across the lifespan to model their wears. You get my point.
Just last week I said to myself oh I feel like a caterpillar dissolving in a cocoon. There is a beautiful saying about
“George the caterpillar who thought it was the end of the world but then he became a butterfly”
The world to me is in caterpillar phase. It is so interesting in the last 10 years how many movies have been focused on the end of the world….the perception of what’s install for us is pretty grim. But nature offers us wisdom here. The crab shell gets tight and uncomfortable until it cracks to give relief. The Earth and the world (mans mind) are going through the same process.
Breaking free of the old chrysalis of perception.
Caterpillar to butterfly.
Artist Caterpillar to Butterfly - Simone May Williamson