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In the Canopy of Darkness Where Light is Born

Greetings dear woman,

Winter Solstice and New Moon Blessings to you.

This is a wonderful time to dream into the earth the seeds that call to our hearts to come into the world.

When we create something a spirit is born.

Whether it is a relationship, a home, a project, an art work, a new practice. This spirit requires our attentiveness and the ears to hear. When I work with homes it is the spirit of the home and the spirit of the land that I converse with. When I work with women and their pelvic bowl it is the spirit of their very wise body that delivers the wisdom and guides me.

When we turn toward the spirit of darkness (yin time), we are called to nourish our roots, draw our energy inward, downward and gather our resources into our centre. Honouring time to slow down, to come in, to rest more and balance the do with the be, allows space and time to be present with the feminine qualities found in the canopy of darkness where light is born.

The world around us is so magical, full of symbology. This book of Nature shows us everything we need to know and understand about how to walk on the Earth as a woman. On my walk in the forest this morning I was reminded how nature is always growing towards the sun. From the dark into the light ‘GU-RU’. From unconscious to conscious. These cycles of growth continue to circle through out our lives. This is our teacher.

In the forest I reflected on how women are made in the likeness of Divine Mother. Creation in manifestation. And through our bodies, the seasons, the moon cycles she continually reminds us of who we are. Many women who come to see me in my practice tell me they feel a disconnect to their womb, pelvic bowl and the feminine (their nature). They come to see me for a holding space to meet this place within. And in this space they learn to lovingly hold it for themselves. This is Yin medicine. There are no tricks, it is simple. A cellular holding. In the arms of Mother Presence. So natural, a coming home for many women.

A woman may feel disconnect to her creative centre and the feminine but in truth it is impossible to actually be separate from your source. Things can get stagnant yes, life energy stops vibrating and cant move anywhere, like a draw so full of stuff it jams. This creates the feeling of disconnect and frustration. The wisdom inside can seem far away and leave a woman feeling unsure and even confused about how to close this gap. With loving presence and attentiveness she can.

This time of the year reflects holding, resting in the soil of before and to be. Checking in on our inner fire and blowing gently on this Divine flame to feed it what it needs, presence. Just the awareness of this gap is the start of healing and repairing conscious connection.

We are passing through the darkest time of the year towards lightening, the coming into a new evolving consciousness. On a larger scale this potential is happening on the Earth, through the chaos a new consciousness is born.

Make the most of this time of 'endarkenment where the seeds of the heart are sown. All to grow towards experiencing and knowing itself through the worldly stages of life. There is much wisdom in the soil where the stars are born.

The best food for the spirit of your creative seeds, your home and your body is Presence so you can connect, gather, scatter, receive and act in sync with your cycles and the greater cycles of life. Gathering with a group of women to dream and sow seeds is a wonderful support and container for things to grow.

love and wisdom



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I live on Whadjuk land.  Love and Acknowledgment to... 
The Spirit of the land, current and past Caregivers, Ancestors and Elders.
My Teachersthe Wisdom In Everything , the Song that Sings Our Creation.  

Infinite gratitude to Great Mother Who We Are All Born Through.

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