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How to Harness Your Inner Fire in Inflammatory Times

Greetings beautiful woman,

As we move into April and the first New Moon for the astrological year I wake with the song ‘your gonna hear me roar’ by Katy Perry in my head.

Fire is the element of this time. I have been feeling its roar growing inside my belly and the serpent energy on the move and have found myself needing to

1. Anchor into the core of the Earth

2. Dance taking up lots of space

3. Write

4. Voice the conditioning that has been pushing on me to keep small

Simple understanding about fire is it is a transmuter. It burns away and digests what has been taken into our form. Fire is an instigator of change. If anger / fired up passion comes forward for you, see it as a change agent. Give it respect through acknowledging it. If you feel it and find its potency uncomfortable then move your body or find someone who can hold the space for you to be received as you receive your anger.

There is actually a lot for people to feel angry about and there is a lot of anger that has never really been aloud to truly be felt. Each of us is affected by the increased light coming into planet and the mood of the planets and stars in different ways. Just watch, observe around you what is happening and check in with yourself regularly. Anger is not the problem. Anger is an expression and near it is most often grief, fear and or sadness.

An easy check in to find out where you are at is by noticing your breath. I notice when I have tensions arising my body feels less open to the breath. I also notice that I can overly focus on things. I have an eye for things out of place or not aligned and I will notice it even more.

Fire energy needs space like a wild horse needs room to move. ‘There there’ you say to the horse. ‘There there’. When the horse rears or gallops give the horse some room in a good size safe paddock. It may mean giving yourself some space from certain people and environments for example. It may mean some breathing practices to meet the charge in your body. It may mean you need to be more active or need to sleep.

An anchor with Earth is important for staying grounded instead of being burnt up, scattered, swept away, nerves frayed or being a live ungrounded electrical wire. This week I have noticed how wired the collective is more than usual.

Look after your fire

Listen, let it have voice

There are so many infinite ways of going about this, it’s about you finding your unique creative way. Testing them out, experiencing and practicing what works for you. And this changes.

You can write

You can sing

You can dance

You can do a movement Kriya

You can paint

You can role play with someone who can hold the space

You can light a candle and be with the wisdom of the flame, open your ears to what it has to say

Starting the day with intent and receiving the wisdom of the element that comes to be with you really supports how we move with it. This daily meeting builds a synchronicity and connectivity in life that is truly beautiful.

Stay anchored in you,



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