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Cutting off her hands for the devil

Over the last few weeks the story of The Handless Maiden wafts into my psyche. I have been reflecting on the part in the story where the Father is fooled by the devil and finds himself swapping his daughter for outer riches and comforts.

When he realises what he has done, it is too late. His beautiful daughter, the purity of soul is heart broken. She weeps and weeps and weeps, Mothers tears spill from her eyes and down her body, so much that the devil can’t get near her. Tears the great purifier, returning all to the one source.

So the devil demands she not bathe and after weeks of not bathing he tries to approach her again. The daughter now smelly, dirty with hair matted continues to cry as the devil approaches, tears drip down her arms and hands cleansing her body clean. The devil is still unable to get close.

Absolutely frustrated that he cannot get near her, he demands that the father chop off her arms so he can have her once and for all. He threatens the father with the taking away of resources and abundance if he does not. The father out of fear obeys the devils command, sharpens his knife, asks his daughter for forgiveness and then does the unspeakable, unimaginable act…he chops off his daughters hands.

But even with her hands chopped off the devil is still unable touch her as her tears continued to fall, cascading down her new stumps for arms, leaving only the mark of purity, devil repellent.

The story continues with the handless maiden going on a journey, leaving her mother and father taking the path of a beggar, living off the kindness, generosity and abundance of nature and kind humans who she comes across on her path. Over the years her hands grow back and she returns whole.

Learning, making mistakes is part of the lesson of life. But how we learn, what we learn is of interest to me. This first part of the story to me mirrors what is happening in Australia and other countries of the world. The grooming of other to do what you want. The other not realising what they have signed their hands over to, basic human rights. There are many on the Earth in human form that weep like this maiden for their right to choose, the threats and bribery they witness and close ones falling to the pressure of dare I say the devil whispering in their ears.

Deep true feeling is purity, it is the flowing soul, the will, the mother aspect of the Divine. She weeps even when she is not felt, even if she is not heard, even if pushed down so far underground, lost to the rest of the will she still weeps and her weeping will eventually awaken the one she is weeping within.

What we push away, will come back to us. What we deny, will come back to us. All those feelings not truly allowed, not given authentic expression to inform, they will be there for us when we are ready to invite them to return to the whole. Through the natural law of the universe “like attracts like”. What is suppressed will attract what is suppressed. It starts showing up as a projection onto other, the world and the Divine. Giving us the opportunity of true self reflection. For example denying the self, the heart, the intuition to favour another’s authority out of fear could show up as great angst towards those that stand up to the authority, are questioning and walking in their sovereignty.

I hear many people say the world is going mad, a sign we are close to the edge of the deep unconscious wound that is stored away in the collective and individual psyche. As we get closer to the wound where the unexpressed feelings are harboured we get triggered. This triggering can lead us into healing or a path of destruction. The way through it is to feel our true feelings and not deny them and give them expression like the maiden shows us, in safe spaces that harm not yourself or other. Contact with this wound is vital for individual and collective liberation from the constriction of fear. Until humanity can accept this wound as just a wound and let it wail, let it be felt we will walk in the shadow of fear.

Humanity has been fortunate to have wailers in the world. Those that feel with depth and sensitivity the lost feelings that humanity has pushed away. Like the person who litters and lets another pick up their rubbish for them. These wailers tend to pick up the emotional garbage that humanity do not allow themselves to feel.

But now we are moving into a time where the old archetype of saving or being saved is out of date. The Earth can no longer take the denied selves of humanity. We are being called to take responsibility for ourselves, for our feelings. To be our own wailers.

We are being called to clean up, to feel through the fear and be with our inner wounds.

If we want to bring sustainability to this world, purify our waters, decontaminate the air, regenerate the injury to the Earth and her atmosphere the way to it is owning our feelings, cleaning up our thoughts and aligning to ways that feel truly good to ones heart, ones soul, ones spirit.

There is no climate change to solve, the call is to engage with and show up to inner change. When we look at what our thoughts are creating, what are feelings are saying, what nature is reflecting to us, what our projections are mirroring to us and release the old sufferings, the old beliefs and concepts of old realities rooted in poverty and distortion of true hierarchy, we rise as a new humanity co existing with a New Earth.

The handless maiden speaks to me in these times. We have all had times where we have chopped off our own hands through foolishness and then we learn from it. I do love the fool and I am all into learning through our mistakes but I ask, do we have to learn in such a hard way? I wonder, perhaps we can learn in new ways.

Thank you to Artist KELLEPICS at pixabay.


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