Imagine a world where all women clearly hear their inner guidance?
Imagine a world where all women deeply trust in this inner guidance?
Imagine a world where all women act commitedly on this inner guidance?
I had a dream where I was in a business proposition with a man. He took me to show me his products. It was in a basement below.
When we were there and he was showing me his wares it felt like he was shouting. The sound of his voice was off to me. I could hear a discrepancy, the tone of his voice out of alignment, off key to someone who hears in perfect pitch. In that moment I said to him, stop shouting and stop lying.
I got up and walked away.
You see with true clear connection to our inner guidance we can hear the tone of truth and non truth. Sincerity and non sincerity, agenda’s of goodness and deceit.
I woke up to a verse to a song by Meat Loaf, "I will do anything for love, but I won’t do that". It came to me after this dream. How many times do you do out of an idea of love and go against your guidance?
Nostalgic love, sentimental love, attached love, co dependant love, conditioned love, what you are told is love.
How often do you go against yourself to be loved, to be accepted, to be approved, to belong? Masking true feelings, true wants and desires, true needs and true expression.
Our inner guidance speaks to us in harmonic tones. Clear guidance is subtle, soft, quiet.
Our conscious connection to inner guidance is strengthened and is easy to receive through a relaxed body.
When we are stressed, when we hold lots of tension and are in states of fear and an overwhelm of pressure it is harder for us to tune into our inner wisdom and guidance.
Working with women taught me this, being a woman taught me this.
In the world right now people are not given time to think, feel and relax into themselves. Why?
In the world right now people are on the clock, pressured to do something by a certain time. Why?
In the world right now people are having their outer security dangled in front them with threats it will be taken away. Why?
How do these tactics speak to a person?
What is the quality of this communication?
What does this type of communication give to the body?
How do you feel in this kind of communication?
If someone wants to prevent another from going with their inner guidance what would they need to do?
Create a world of fear, pressure, tension and panic.
If you give people the space to relax, drop into their bodies, soften in to their hearts, they begin to be a bridge to their guidance system. A world-bridger that connects head and heart, spirit and body. They learn to hear the subtle tones, the harmonic frequency that inner guidance speaks through.
If clear guidance works for the highest good of the individual and understanding that the highest good of an individual will be the highest good of all. Don’t we want people to act from their inner wisdom and clear guidance?
Looking at the picture I am seeing currently in the world makes me question this.
So a tip for those who are confused, feel pressured, struggling to keep grounded in their awareness, feel bullied into having no choice, know this. That inside is a still centred point of reference. It grows stronger in you the more your body is relaxed, the more tension is released, the more you land and take up your heart space. It grows stronger in you the more you are not distracted by drama, gossip, and divide.
Remember, the voice of clarity within that echoes your spirit and soul, needs your inner ears to hear it. The crashing, banging, 'at you' voices telling you what you should do for love, for the greater good, are they kind? Are they loving? Do they feel good to you? Do you feel relaxed, present, centred and grounded?
Inner guidance feels good, it feels calm, it feels centred, there is no force, there is no judgement, it’s just there, sincerely, simply and like a loyal dog serving you no matter how many times she is ignored, overridden, suppressed, talked over she remains ever committed to you and your wellbeing.
Imagine a world where the majority of people are consciously connected to their clear guidance.