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Guilt takes up space where love could be

Dear Hearts

Wow what a time we are snorkling through….

I am finding the cycles of the moon and planetary influences so potent in my life right now. Opportunities galore to really see and understand myself better, reaching core cause and receiving healing which leads to transformation.

I never really saw myself as someone who felt a lot of and moved from guilt. During the last moon cycle in dreaming I was shown how much I have moved from guilt over my life and where there is guilt love cannot truly flow. And since that dream I have been minutely aware of guilt in everyday life individually and collectively.

Ha! It has been eye opening and a relief to bring it into awareness of feeling.

What does guilt feel like?

To me it is a mix of a tug and a subtle heaviness. But for others it may be different I can only speak from my experience.

Where there is guilt there is no space or room for love.

Hmmm… how does that sentence make you feel when you read it?

Guilt feeds self denial.

Ones true feelings, ones true desires, ones true voice, one true self expression. And when we deny our trueness we grow more guilt, which takes up more space where love could reside.

All this leads to the question what really is a ‘guilt free life’?

A life lived without guilt taking up the room of love. Guilt creates conditions on the self and other to live by. I was going to say move but guilt is like a blockade standing in the way of being able to receive our spirit and listen to our feeling body. The more these two don’t get to chat and share a split widens between them and we have heads walking without bodies and bodies walking without heads.

What is guilt?

Well it actually is not really anything except a blob that multiplies when it is fed. Its like a big head you have sat behind at the movies and you can’t see the screen. It has no evil intention or motivation it is just a product of not allowing ones true feelings out of thinking one must or should behave, speak, share, express, feel in a way that is not actually true to oneself.

We live in a culture that does not allow true feeling. In new age conditioning it is implied we should be loving, kind, open, compassionate and forgive. Often I have a client telling me how they just need to surrender or forgive or accept.

But if you do not allow your feelings underneath that, if you force yourself to go to place you are not ready to go, true feelings, the charge that lies in the darkness denied does not get to be felt. It instead gets spoken over, told to shush.

How did we get so afraid to be with true feeling, felt experience with ourselves?

Why is the feeling love allowed but not hate for example? And just this comment my have your hairs stand-ing on end or you thinking did she really say that? Yes I did!

Unconditional love does not happen through denying emotion. Allowing true feeling expression does not mean we go around clobbering and screaming at each other.

The gift of this reel of time is to be triggered by the world and others so we get in touch with how we truly feel. Dropping through those layers as we are ready to.

If you have been finding yourself confronted with fiery passion, bursts of creative energy, anger, rage know that time supports that. If this speaks to you and you are struggling know that I am also there with you and there are many others…Divine Rebels.

A tip is to listen to your self judgements about those emotions coming forward.

That in itself is very revealing.

I am running the next course Transformation through Healing Emotions this March so perhaps it is a community of awakening women that is the honey for you right now to support, strengthen and give you courage to continue forward.

This course can be repeated and repeated. I never teach the same way as the creative being I AM and I always teach the the group energetics and current climate on Earth.

The feedback I have been having from women has been more than I thought. As a teacher you don’t know how what you share is going to be received, you don’t know the transformations that are going to take place for people and I have been really deeply touched, moved to tears and danced at the changes and healing it has gifted women.

Transformation through Healing Emotion information is here

So grateful to be able to share this work.

Hand on heart,



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