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Reclaim the Wild Mother

Dear women

I write today with sadness and concern for what is happening in this country. I have always been one who thinks for myself and questions, I have never cowered to bullies and I have always had a need to face and challenge my fears.

I was brought up in a very conventional family. I did not really get the way my culture thought and did things. It did not make sense to me. My discernment has always been strong. Seeing through systems the way they work was natural to me and when I was nursing I cottoned on to the level of non questioning and scripting that we were trained to speak from.

When I was at lunch with my mum the other day, I found my self saying “How did I land in this family? Why am I the only one in the family questioning and will stand alone if I have to because that is what feels right?

As a child I would feel to roar if I felt the mother disrespected, innocence threatened. I have always had this strong mothers instinct. Mother instinct is like a lioness, she has the senses and the sensitivity to know what is right or not for herself and her cubs.

I have written a blog about this inner guidance ...

I have been working with women for years. My work with women is to help them get in contact with their body / somatic consent, their inner tuition, their knowing and trust in their own guidance system. I can’t say yes to the V because my whole body says ’No!’, very loudly. If I went against this I could not be an example for women. I would have to stop my work altogether, because I would be a fraud. How can I teach women to listen and go with their body knowing, nurture themselves and go with their true feelings if I do not do that myself.

I have heightened sensitivities, I am like one of those canaries they sent down to the mines to see if it was safe or not. If the canary died then it was a sign that it’s time to get out of there. I smell things, see things generally that others do not see coming. I am grateful for this gift but in the world having these gifts and sensitivities has been tough.

In the Coogee to Rockingham area is a toxic smell that makes me feel nauseous. I have walked outside and literally vomited before I even figured out there was a smell in the air. My lungs constrict, my nose itches like crazy and my breath feels more laboured. I have approached the council on this so many times. They tell me they cannot do anything about it unless I know exactly where it is coming from. I thought it was the environmental officers duty to research and look into it. I told them the general area and some ideas of where it is coming from but this has not been investigated and yet I am told to keep filling out forms. For what?

Sometimes I am walking and when I smell this smell I will ask someone walking past “do you smell that?” I could not understand how there were so little complaints about this odour. The person I ask usually looks at me oddly and then they bring their attention to their olfactory sense and sniff the air. The person will then say, “yeah, what is that?”

And I go home asking yeah, what is that, that people are not aware of what they are taking into their bodies? How did our senses get so dulled? Sure if you are not a canary you may not vomit or run inside and have to shut or the windows so you can breathe with ease. But chronic disease occurs over time, little bits gather, collect and trespass into our bodies systems. Like thieves in the night, stealing away our immunity until we get to a day where there is not much left.

But the world does not listen to the canaries. Those that are dying of the V or having extreme adverse affects. Canaries are bulldozed by ‘science’, ‘research’ and ‘white lab coats’.

I have a strong sense of what is right and what is not for me. And I will never give up on that. I will never give up on helping women come into contact with the Wild Mother. The reason why our senses and intuition is not on par with our actual potential is because this Sacred Feminine connection has been blocked up with over colonisation. Colonisation tightens, stiffens, controls and takes to gain. We see it with the planet, indigenous people, exploitation and experimentation of animals, the excessiveness with things, plastic, glamour, money, popularity.

The male spirit people of a tribe in Bendigo showed me how the world became so Motherless. Yes I did say Motherless. They told me that we forgot Mother and showed me through images (telepathy) of what that looks like to forget mother. I was visited by these spirit tribesman for 10 days. I was blessed with this communication and time with them.

Mother wisdom is not complex or complicated. It is simple. It is clear. It has no riddles. It does not need to be explained. It does not manipulate, buy you, bribe you or try to coerce you. It is always acting in the greater good. When someone tells me to go against my Wild Mother for the greater good I know that those who say that, have no idea what the greater good is. If they knew, they would understand that the greater good of all is based on what is the greater good of one individual. And Only an individual can know that for themselves.

I feel a lot of energy for the cry of freedom. This is it. This is our time to dare to drop into our fears, to be with the dear wound within and heal it so we can transform into who and what we are, LOVE.

I trust that your body knows best, not your head but when joined with your heart, when facing and questioning any fears, when dropping into and receiving what’s inside you, you will know what is best for you. And when you reach that space, realisation, liberation and freedom become yours. Tension drops away, you enter fearlessness and simplicity of LOVE.

When I work with women I believe in them. I believe in their strength, in their kindness, in their courage, in their ability to return home to the heart of the feminine. I hold this as my vision. That all women can and will reclaim and act on the voice of their inner Wild Mother. Aaahhhhhoooooooo!

May it be so.

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love and clear light,



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