We are in a window of opportunity. Take it in both hands.
Now is the time to really bring your mind into focus and clarity on the soul seeds that speak to you to bring into your life and give more time to.
Feel the momentum of light growing on the planet and choose to ride it, dare to unwrap yourself from collective conditioning, rules and mindsets that leave you confused and fearful.
WE are at a time where we get to really choose the way for ourselves.
Be aware of what you listen to and how you feel after listening to it.
What is the group think of the communities you are in and how does it feel for you to align to that?
Keep checking in with yourself, bring your awareness to what you are doing and how you are doing it.
Keep asking questions. “Why” opens your heart to new ways of seeing and new understanding.
Be with and feel your fears as they appear.
Note any resistance that comes forward and step back with soft eyes and just be with it.
Listen to how you speak to and look at your self and other’s. Is it polarised, is it kind, does it allow others or you to have differing views and opinions?