Sacred She Wisd m
Sacred She Wisd m
A Feminine Embodied series
Healing Emotion
A Beautiful Course for Women
with a Strong Desire to Heal
Starts June 2023
Do you often doubt your healing process because you find yourself struggling with the same stuff over and over again?
Do you wish you could stop feeling so ‘emotional’ and stuck
in your head?
Do you feel a disconnect from your body, emotions and or spirit?
Would you like to connect with your feelings and express your emotions with greater ease?
Do you want to feel more vital, spontaneous and relaxed in
the world as you?
You Can.
Transformation Through Healing Emotion
is an invitation for you to:
Make friends with your emotions
Free yourself from self imposed limitations
Relax into deeper self love and connection
Gain confidence and trust in your healing process
Express yourself with greater ease
Feel more joy and spontaneity in your life
Dear Sister,
Come rest with The Mother of All.
I feel deeply honoured and delighted to share with you,
Transformation through Healing Emotion.
It is much needed and it's a wonderful time to Deepen or Begin healing our relationship with the feeling and emotional bodies so we can walk with them in a lighter, more authentic loving way and embody the feminine.
When we block emotion and feeling we block creative life force.
This makes it really hard to listen to our true voice and embody our essence.
When our life force gets blocked our bodies get more tense. We tire, we react more, we over do, over give, over think and over compensate with actions often motivated by guilt, fear and or shame.
New Respect for feeling and emotion is part of healing
Our ability to process emotion and allow our feelings is influenced by family and community cultural messages. These messages teach us to override, deny and suppress our feelings, leading to confusion and dysfunction.
The way emotion has been modelled for us impacts how we respond internally to what we feel and how we express it.
We are born to feel and express emotion
Transform through Healing Emotion helps you:
Connect to your feeling body
Heal emotional patterns.
Know the difference between and connect thought, emotion and feeling
Enter greater self acceptance
Bring all parts outside of your love, back into the whole
Express more freely and confidently
Feel clearer, more grounded and relaxed in your body
Feel more joy, passion and pleasure in your life
​Transform through Healing Emotion
is for women who have a strong desire and readiness to heal who:
Find it difficult to express feeling and emotion
Get stuck in your head and feel like you may go crazy
Over apologetic to others
Feel guilty often
Experience intimacy issues
Empathise deeply and get impacted by what's happening in the world
Tend toward social anxiety and lowered self esteem
Have been hurt and just can’t seem to heal from it
Long for a safe space to express and be heard
Comfort eat, veg out on screen time and withdraw from the world.
Find the world triggers a lot of anger, rage or sadness that you don’t know how to be with
Did not have role models who expressed emotion in a way that felt safe or healthy to you
Have low vitality, libido and feel out of touch with your passion
Get irritated or annoyed by others without knowing why
​Feel ungrounded, scattered and loose your sense of boundary easily​​
Think abundance and life is for everyone else but you
'A Sacred Experience'
Transform through Healing Emotion is a circle of support to connect to yourself in a profound and gentle way.
I bring to the circle my experience in Womens bodywork, yoga and pregnancy yoga, earth work, 26 years in the healing arts including Western Health Care and 20 years of daily sacred practice. ​
This series is a great foundation to connect to your physical, feeling and emotional bodies. A Coming home to self acceptance and greater self love.
The work I share with women is the space I longed to have held for me. A safe container with teachings paced in a body friendly and digestible way of learning.
Sharing a heart space with a group of like minded women helps us learn to hold this sacred space for ourselves in daily life. We get better at tending to our individual needs and acting from the wisdom inside.
​​​​Book Your Place
Transformation through Emotional Healing is
​A course for a circle of up to 12 women
My intent is creating a model that honours the feminine, set to the moon cycles, giving time to feel, digest, experience and respond.
13th of May (New Moon) to the 24th June (Full Moon)
It includes:
4 Live Sessions 2 weeks apart Thursday 9.30 -11.00am (Perth)
Recordings of all sessions
She Wisdom Teachings
Sacred Embodiment Practices / Meditations / Breathing
A private Facebook community for support to share experience of the teachings and ask questions​
​​What others say about Simone's work...
"I want to deeply recommend Simone May Williamson's She Wisdom Work (or any of her wonderful offerings!). Simone is an exquisitely beautiful soul whose wisdom and sensitivity to others is truly unique, healing, and heart centred. Being in her presence is an utterly nourishing and sacred experience. She knows so much. Walked so many paths. She will bathe you in the divine light of your True Nature and help you cherish and honour your beautiful and bountiful embodiment. So much love..." Kim Echammel, School of Healing Arts
"At a time where my body is going through a lot, it has been incredibly valuable to (re)learn how to listen to its wisdom. In a quiet moment now I can receive that wisdom, and take guidance on what to do next. This was a powerful reminder of how much my body knows and holds for us, and provided really practical ways to 'tune in' and make the most of it". (Feminine Embodied participant, 2020)
Simone Shelley May Williamson
School of Sacred She Wisdom
Sacred Feminine Embodiment Teacher, Holistic Pelvic Care Practitioner, Vaginal Steam Facilitator, and EarthSpace Healer.
I love this work, it has changed my life.
I am a representative of Sacred She Wisdom, a teacher of the Divine Feminine path. I have always had a felt connection to soul and an open door to the etheric world. My skill and gifts are in assisting women to connect to and bring through their feminine essence into the body form. I share simply, gently and authentically, practical tools to awaken felt sense, conscious feeling and emotional presence.
I love nature, the Earth and creating Sacred
Space for women to connect with the wisdom inside.
I wear the hat of an avid writer, poet, bush walker, crafts woman and sacred song writer and singer.
Under the bonnet of Sacred She Wisdom I offer Yoni Steaming consultations and herbs, Pelvic care and She Wisdom Sessions or to support woman to come back to herself and genius.
Sacred She Wisdom is my life's work and I gently hold a vision of a Women Kind Culture.
Transformation through Healing Emotion:
$447 discounted
* Payment plans are available
* There are Assistance Grant opportunities available for two women who want to join this course but need financial aid. To apply contact me on
If you have a strong desire to Transform through Healing Emotion I look forward to meeting you soon.