We are coming towards the end of a 13 day Red Skywalker wave spell that shares with us the wisdom of expansion and exploring new realities.
I had a vision a few days ago of two hands holding the earth as she cracked open with golden light shining from the centre through the cracks. New life, nature growing out into the new space.
This 13 day cycle in essence speaks to me of the opportunity that we have to co create a new culture, a new reality. It speaks to me of alignment, feeling this from the core of my being and staying true to this. Watching my perceptions and how they form my reality and how the questioning opens me to new doors that open me to new reality.
I am reminded that we are the makers of our reality and the response ability I have with my own projection, my mind, thoughts and focus in the making of the new world we are co creating now.
Our reality is influenced by our perceptions. Perception is the ability to see, hear, intuit or become aware of something through the senses. Our senses inform our reality.
What if our connection to our sensing faculties is injured? Can we really feel what is true for us?
When we are programmed or conditioned to be for other rather than here to be ourselves, we play small. We draw our life energy in, we suppress the flow of our creative life force, we judge our feelings, we hold back our expression, we don’t question and we favour authority outside of ourselves before our own. It is subtle, as we awaken we see how deep this rabbit warren goes.
To be true to ourselves means to listen to our senses. The ability to feel, to see, to hear, to smell, to taste, intuit and to know what is real and what is not real. I see injured senses in all of my clients.
How do we truly listen to our inner guidance system daily if our sensing is not intact?
When our senses are not intact the head dominates. Cerebral intelligence is favoured over the body and will (feeling) intelligence. Without the head connected to the heart our clear guidance is not able to come through. Receptivity, the feminine is key to receiving this guidance.
Red Skywalker is the 13th tribe of twenty in the dream spell. 13 has been my favourite number since a child. It made no sense to me that 13 was bad luck. Why such fear around it? In history it speaks of how fanatical people were around this superstition. Fear is contagious if we are not rooted in our own centre.
“Listen to where fear is taking you and where courage is taking you”, the wise words of Vasumi. It is important to question our fears. To listen to our instinctive survival self, for this is influenced by our conditioning. If we play small, please others, want to fit in, long to belong, want approval, keep the peace by going along with things we feed a survival instinct rooted into a colonial program. This program is founded on lack. It rewards turning to outside authority before your own. It does not allow for individual creative life force to evolve and expand.
If natural survival instinct is uncorrupted it has true purpose to protect and preserve us. We cannot be coerced by outside authority because of position if it does not feel true, we can see and feel through it. For this kind of fear instinct has purpose to free and liberate.
To expand so we can evolve we need to clear the space and the New Moons coming arrival is a good time to continue with or begin this. Get clear on your true motivation’s, what is informing your reality? What are you aligning to? We clear through questioning personal and collective fear? As we question our fears we feel them, we move through them and we enter the absence of fear.
The New Moon is a wonderful time especially now to seed the future golden. Make a simple ritual with self or others and bless this world, the new earth, speak from your heart what you are clearing out and what you are seeding, what wants to be nurtured that serves a bright and fearless future for you, for me, for all. Love unites, it feels good, it feels warm, it feels whole. Presence yourself with love.
Fear has very much taken a big seat in the collective psyche. It takes its seat through us. Fear projects fear. Let’s project peace, light and love and let’s also question all the thoughts we have been fed / conditioned with so we can choose our reality from fearlessness.
Be aware of what you think, what you feel, what you sense. Let it show you the reality you are keeping.
The old world is falling, the crown of the old king is toppling off his head toward the ground. The tyranny is collapsing. It is also breaking down in us individually. We, the world are in a new opportunity, this breaking open, this new light, seeding a new culture that is grounded in a truer love, in the beauty of the feminine and the fortitude of the masculine.
Stay with yourself.
This is the time to be in your own heart. Stay strong in this channel. Head needs heart to bring balance to the Earth, to humanity.
Now is the time to focus, envision and feel the new world we are creating, one of greater equality, one of greater integrity, one of greater peace, one of greater love.
If you resonate to these words and would like to feel more fearless, more grounded in your centre and stronger in yourself and co create a new world of peace.
I warmly invite you to:
The Rainbow of Light Meditation
This Sunday morning 10-11am Perth time on November the 7th.
Join me for a special morning connecting head and heart, rooting into the core of the earth and experiencing the embrace of the rainbow field. Resting in this frequency and remembering who you are.
Gentle breath to open, sacred movement to let creative life force flow, meditation to align to the rainbow hue-man of light you are.
I will share on the zoom platform. Please RSVP to me via email sacredshewisdom@gmail.com with ‘Meditation’ in the subject box. I will send you out the link.