Cleansing away the old through steaming
Women come for steaming for many different reasons. Some women just feel called to try it out, having no particular issue of focus. The...
The Red Cycle Blessing or Curse
It is my Red cycle. I am on day one. I felt it coming yesterday and made the time to move things around to make space for the dreaming...
Healing through Steaming
I have often feel inspired to write after I see a woman who comes for steaming. This She Wisdom practice is proving to be a wonderful...
Period Care
I don't know about you but I was not taught Period Care. Yes it sounds ridiculous but true. Sure I was given pads and told that cramps...
Healing Vaginal Imbalances through Steaming
It is such a treat to have a client so enthusiastic about sharing her experience with me and others. Catherine is one of those women. ...
What inspired me to share steaming with women?
Introducing 'The She Steams Chronicles' Dear lovely woman, Yesterday I gave a talk about postpartum steaming to a mothers group in...
Postpartum 'She Steams' Interview
I wanted to share yoni steaming from someone else's experience. So I decided to interview women eager to share their steam stories. ...
Menarche - the Gateway to Womanhood
For many women the silence around Menarche created a Great Wall of China. Keeping out the pelvic bowl and the wisdom within it.
Women Circles Why they are important at this time?
When we meet in Sacred Circle we strengthen the Sacred Circle within ourselves.
Vaginal Steaming
Vaginal Steaming is a topic that gets heads turning and lips moving.