Women Circles Why they are important at this time?
Be True To You
Greetings and love
As the world is awakening and the feminine is finding her place Women's circles are growing.
Circles help us evolve in consciousness. They gift us with gentle compassionate focus and fortitude to stay true to ourselves and what is important. When we meet in Sacred Circle we strengthen the Sacred Circle within ourselves. I like to call this a Circle of Love.
My vision is to offer women a space to be able to express their true feelings. Often we disguise our true feelings out of self guilt and judgement. This means we deny what we are really feeling and this draws on our energy and vitality. It stops us from being who we are and the internal conflict of this can then be projected on others and the world around us.
Circles help us to
Come to know ourselves.
To grow up and stand on our own two feet in all areas of life.
To balance our emotions by honouring our feelings.
To listen and act on our internal wisdom.
Find a circle near you that can truly hold a space where you can sincerely express and be vulnerable. A space that is not about fixing you or interrupting with advice. A space that can really receive your honesty and strength in vulnerability.
It is important that we give ourselves the time and space to be present, to feel and to heal. Now is the time.
May you honour the beauty inside you,
in love Simone