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Transforming fear through seeing it

Last night in dreaming fears rose to the surface. I was shown five different scenes and the feelings that I harboured. These astral dreams gave me a clarity of feeling and understanding of why some areas of my life I have not moved as forward as they could.

In one of the dreams Steaming was slandered over the front page of newspapers. It made me want to hide, keep things quiet, not let too many people know what I was doing.

As a former nurse I have witnessed a lot of prejudice toward alternate therapies in the medical system. Back in my early twenties when I was not yet on my current path I was shocked by the judgment. For me it perked my interest and curiosity that there were other ways to approach something. I already had a strong inner conflict with the disconnection I was sensing with body, emotions and spiritual health in the system.

When I see big reactions to things it makes me look into it further. I remember deciding to research why people chose not to vaccinate and I found the information I read compelling and substantial.

When I took my book in to read at the Emergency lunch room something unexpected happened. Nurses got so angry with me for reading the book, their voices started rising and speaking at me like I was a terrible person even after told them I just wanted to see and understand it from another viewpoint.

I was not expecting such a huge reaction, that it was triggered big alarm bells in ring my heart. It really helped me see that something was not quite right and it fuelled me into doing more research. Its good to hear from different angles, to understand why others choose a different way and that there are choices beyond what we thought.

When we are schooled in a certain thought system, questioning tends to be allowed if it is under established unsaid but loud rules. Those rules are usually governed by fear.

I love people who think out of the box, their minds somehow live on the edges and they question the questions that others keep far away from. This to me is true intelligence.

They are not satisfied with just going along with status quo whatever that may be. These people generally never feel they quite fit in. They are the shakers, the ones who stir the pot, rock the boat by allowing their minds to stretch into other arenas of thinking and seeing.

They dare to risk standing on their own. A reason why many of us do not pursue questioning and ask why, feel between the lines and apply our curiosity to everything is because we may risk standing alone.

In Sweden a fellow Steam practitioner was going to be band from offering steaming by the medical fraternity. Saying she claimed steaming could do things like help heal a woman’s reproductive system.

Steam facilitators including myself from over the globe wrote letters of support to give our personal experience of why we started steaming, how steaming helped us with certain issues and the differences in our health, body and life since steaming. It was a beautiful collaboration of strength. A person finding themselves standing alone found strength of support from people all over the world. We did not have statistics, cases studies (well one) and medical journals but we did have what really matters, personal experience to share.

We would still think the world was flat if we stayed in that systems mindset. Pioneers are the front line, they walk into territory not yet covered, where many dare not to go. It takes courage to go your own way, to question the collective belief system, to take the road less travelled. I watch as I see people I really admire and love the integrity of their work get so criticised for what they bring to the table and it yet helps so many.

I find it interesting how certain systems of thought have great rule in the world. When a person shares work in health that does not fall under conventionality in protection they must write a waiver that they are not giving medical advice and to check with their Doctor as a safe guard.

These are the types of things I question. I constantly ask why is that so. I mean if I am not going to a Doctor I would not expect the person I am seeing to be a Doctor. “Why am I reading a waiver here for this persons work when it is clearly not needed” is a question that often pulses through my mind.

But fear needs these things. The over body of the collective belief system right now means that many alternative modalities or offerings stay smaller, keep quieter to not draw too much attention to themselves.

The dreaming I had last night showed me the fear I had still been holding and the fear of the collective of straying away from the group think.

For those who live on the edge I salute you, it can be a tough gig and also extremely and deeply transforming and fulfilling.

I wish all those who walk a path of difference to be brave without skipping over the shakiness of fear. To draw up courage from the Earth and feel the support in knowing that there are many others like you also colouring outside the lines.

I am so grateful for this dream bringing light to what hid in the darkness that I could not see. Now I can be with it, honestly and move it, gently and that stray part of me that lived in fear can join the circle of love. Stepping forward with more spirit grounded, self understanding and wild love to share.

Our evolution comes to us through sincere questioning and inquiry and this is the Art of True Science.


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