Its always been bowls...
Bowls... I have always had an affinity for bowls, round things, the circular. I love to weave bowls, place flowers in bowls, make pinch pots, hold a bowl of hot tea or soup and sip it. I love to place bowls of clay, of textile, of wood, of cane, of raffia, of felt in my home and I like to place things in the bowls. I love gifting people with bowls.
To me bowls represent the receiving of blessings, an open mind and heart to new perspective, gratitude, wisdom and the Great mystery. I work with women and their Pelvic Bowl. When I sing in classes during relaxation I feel I am in a singing bowl, with the tone circulating the room. I am akin to the moon cycles as the bowl of the moon fills and empties. I remember in my early twenties coming to know the moon as a reflection of creative cycles and felt a returning to a wisdom inside.
Bowls, circles, cycles, roundness, curves, the feminine and the masculine counterpart, it has been my study, the great reveal, my learning and return to wholeness.
So much is in a bowl, so much wisdom. When we hold a bowl, our hands open, receptive, shaping also into a bowl. Shaping a container, a holding for consciousness to penetrate and embody.