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What are you loyal to?

(Day of white spectral dog in the Sun wave spell)

What does sovereignty mean to you?

What does it mean to have choice, free will and think for yourself?

What do you choose to be sovereign to?

Look at your life, this direct experience of every day, what are you loyal to?

Is it with your inner authority, your inner guidance system or is it with an outside authority?

Do you put the oxygen mask on yourself first or are you more likely to tend to everyone around you without checking in with yourself and acting on the inner guidance that looks after you?

In spirituality it is encouraged to align to Divine Will. Can we truly align to Divine Will without receiving our individual will first? Would that be a partnership, a co creation?

Without our individual will, we can join things without feeling what our own need or desire is. We can go in a direction without checking in to see if it feels good and right for us individually. We can go along with something without applying our intelligence and thinking for ourselves.

Many, perhaps most of us have injured wills, from young we are conditioned to deny our will to fit in with others, to be approved by our family, culture and society, to be behave in ways that makes others happy with us. The taboo around sexual energy, our life force for example leads to the denial of this creative life energy expression, pushing it down out of fear of it being bad. This creates all sorts of perversion, submission, not allowing pleasure and frigidity.

When we deny a feeling from being just that a feeling, our will, this flowing expression of our soul is denied.

What feelings do you deny?

What emotions do you hold back and not let express?

Do you judge the way you feel, think or are?

Do you push down feelings that your head says are not acceptable and not okay?

We deny our will when we do not allow our own body rhythms and needs.

We deny our will when we go along with other to keep the peace, to be liked, to be approved, to feel secure, to not cause trouble, to be good, to be polite, to be nice, to be loved, to be needed, to be useful and acceptable.

We deny another's will, when we push our authority on to them, when we make others do what we want and when we try to control others and their choices.

The root of denying will, this flowing feeling response to life, an inner guidance system that allows us to make choices that are good and right for us individually is fear. Fear feeds denial of our will. Fear feeds loyalty to an outside voice without checking in to our inner guidance and wisdom. Fear can lead to doubt, to guilt, to shame and all of this feeds denial. Whether you deny your own will and or deny another’s.

I ask you again,

What are you loyal to?

Walk with this, notice how you make the choices you make. Do you check in to your inner guidance/ feeling and sensing system first or are you going along with outside voices. Are these outside voices coming from love or fear?

Fear divides, separates, breeds more fear, worry and anxiety. It feels yuck, it feels cold, cut off, heady, resistant, rejecting and controlling. It blames, it shames, it punishes. It keeps you small, it feeds doubt in self, resignation and apathy.

Love warms, opens, receives, softens, brings together opposing forces, welcomes, feels peaceful, cuts through lies, protects innocence, it feels good, alive, vital and beautiful.

We can repair how we relate to our will, our soul flow, our personal power and this is the first step to healing and transforming our life.

When individual will is injured on any level one can be loyal to other first before oneself. This sets up the caretaker archetype where one gives through taking from oneself. This is not care giving! Every time this happens this person denies their own will. And every time a person denies their own will that speaks through the language of feeling they shut off a little part of themselves into a room that is not able to receive that river of consciousness from source, Divine Will.

If our will is not intact do we have freewill?

As we question what it is to be in our sovereignty, in our inner authority we start to see where we place our loyalty. Is it in your own heart, is it in your own knowing, is it to your own life and sense of purpose?

Or is it something you have not thought about or are not sure.

Is it to family, to your wife, husband, a community, friend, teacher, government, a therapist, a doctor.

What happens when we place our loyalty outside of ourselves without first anchoring loyalty within?

Have you experienced this?

In authoritarian culture like in some religions people were told they could contact God only through a priest. A priest always being male, meant God was contacted only through a man. If someone is loyal to this idea without feeling and sensing into their own intelligence, their own individual will they may become blind to their own light and trust in others more than themselves.

Food for thought.

Look back over your life and ponder where you have not really thought for yourself or you have gone along with something even though inside it did not feel quite right but to not stir the boat or be a minority you went along with it anyway.

Do you or did you deny your will to fit into, go along with a majority or an outside authoritative influence. If so, why is that?

Its good to question, to contemplate and to see where we have denied ourselves to fit, to keep another happy, to keep the peace, to not ruffle feathers, to not stir the pot, because it is just easier or seemingly safer.

Disloyalty to our own self does have repercussions. It means we are never our own person, our individual self. It means your experience and response to your environment, to community, to what you are experiencing is somewhat censored.

To be loyal to other before yourself requires you to shut down a certain level of feeling. When we are not able to allow true feeling we stay in things, or go along with things, or do things that deep down don’t feel right. It impacts our vitality, our health, our hearts, our receptivity to our inner genius and our true happiness.

Inside stored beneath the loyalty for outside authority rather than firstly ones own inner authority frozen feelings of resentment, anger, sadness and a spectrum of grief unable to move gets held in place and will do all it can to come into healing, into the whole. Life will trigger you to express the unfelt.

Connection with other does not require you to give up loyalty to self sovereignty, to who you are and to your dear heart but if we believe in the poverty program that we are sold we do things without really checking into our own will for a sense of connection, belonging, to be needed, loved and accepted.

As we clean up and untie loyalties that take us away from self, a new strength, love and abundance of life force flows again. We make decisions that feel good and right from inside out. And this type of decision making made from our inner guidance system will always be for the good of all. This is our birthright.


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