Steaming for Second Spring (menopause)
A new addition to our She Steams Chronicles is this steamy interview with Lianne. A wild woman enjoying her Second Spring.
When Lianne first came to see me she shared that when she first heard about She Steaming she thought it was just another thing preying on vulnerable women, a money making exercise.
I have had women come to my She Steams talks as a joke, to laugh at me. I am not kidding. It was not until I spoke about steaming, its roots, its benefits, and how I got into it that these women saw it differently. I love honesty however it comes and scepticism is important and healthy.
I was delighted that Lianne loved steaming so much, I actually think she, out of all my clients is most in love with steaming. This makes me very happy. Lianne comes to steaming to connect more deeply with her feminine. She has no reproductive issues. She is in her Second Spring no longer having a RedMoon Cycle.
Here is her concise and sweet reply to my questions.
1. Why did you start steaming?
I started steaming when I read some things you had written about the ritual and became fascinated and drawn to try.
2. What was your first steaming experience like?
The session I attended at your house was so lovely. It really showed me the beauty and sacredness of steaming. I felt earthed and connected to my feminine self.
3. What has steaming given you and or helped you with?
Steaming offers me a space physically and spiritually to be with my deeper feminine self and honour and acknowledge all that is in this space. I sleep well after steaming. I feel softer and more malleable.
4. Tell us a little about your steam setup? eg. what you use to steam with, time of day you like to steam, setting up your space.
My set up is very simple at present 2 flat cushions either side of a saucepan with the steaming herb ‘tea’. A blanket or sometimes one of my frocks with a wide skirt is used to keep the steam in.
Here are photo's of Lianne's Steam set up under the light of the fullmoon.