Today is the aftermath of shocking threats to the security and freedom of people put in place by dictators.
Have we now moved into a fascist system?
A system that does not allow one to act on their inner knowing, their own researched understanding or just deciding on a sense of what feels right.
I am appalled, my heart hurts, I feel angry.
Underneath this I feel community, connection, love and hope.
We have now stepped into a great divide. My father a business owner who cares about his staff will have to let those go who choose differently. He is threatened with a $100 000 fine. What a position to be put in.
I know many people who love what they do, they bring so much compassion, heart and support to the community and now they are being forced out of their livelihoods.
How did we get to such a place?
Is it okay to bully people into what you want them to do?
Is it okay to bribe and threaten people so it works out how you want things to happen?
Is it okay to black mail people to get what you want?
Making people choose between security and what feels in their bones the right choice for them is this okay?
Is it okay to force people to go against themselves and their own inner authority?
Is it okay to censor information that may influence people to make a different decision?
Is it okay to not give people free will, not forced will, free will?
Are you okay with that?
I once heard an incredible song sung by two indigenous women written by an uncle. I hear it as I write. The chorus forever etched in my heart.
Who cares?
I care. And there are millions of others who care too.