Holy Encounter
a holy encounter
one with God
here within me
directing me
speaking to me
My body the vessel of this communion
where the infinite can be a glory
like sun sharing wealth with the world
from within first I locate and be
with the everlasting song of eternity
there the bright star in my heart lays in the cool comfort of the wondrous empty bowl of the universes
I am here connected to it all
through this body I receive the messages of Divine importance
my mind lets go of attachment to controlling an uncontrollable world
instead I am focused on source
and from here my world changes
the curtains open and the stage of life looks different
feels different
there are no costumes I wear here
just the nakedness of nothingness
that all including me come from the flame of creation
and it is the breath of my spirit that keeps it burning
my dear soul is the love of my life
this true blue sky within the eye of my world
I trust and carry through
stop not at the minds games of doubt
telling me I have to follow the well trodden path
the path is inside me not outside
and sin is when I stray off my inner path
the path that I can only know
not another authority outside of self
we are the ones who know when we go a stray
and we are the ones that know the steps to take to return
into the garden of our own delight
not another
but the one that our soul sings
wear the wild on the inside of your flesh
do not swap it for material riches and promises
for the the great treasure you will ever come to know
is the bear essential
your true essence
Art by Simone May Williamson