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30% is all we need to seed a New Culture

I recently watched an interview called Why so many people still buy into the narrative? Dan J Gregory interviews a Professor of Clinical Psychology, Dr Mattias Demet who shares his understanding about mass hypnosis. What brought a glow of warmth to my own heart was him sharing, that we only need 30% to seed new culture. So if you, like me sometimes feel out numbered I dedicate this blog to you and the awakening of the New Earth and the Return to Mother.

Movies like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, the Matrix speak of being outnumbered by a populace that do the deed of war, control, punishment and abuse for a source of corruption.

I had dreams at the beginning of this year of rising up and taking my place as a warrior to protect innocence, to stand up for the freedom of the will to choose and fight for self sovereignty.

In these dreams I felt something coming, I saw planets I had lived on wiped out. We were at war. There was no time for fear, the times called me to show up and to face what was coming. My voice was my weapon, I had to speak and remind people why they were here. There was unsureness in the group that the heart could lead, that gentleness could be strong and the feminine was able to meet the needs of the time. Decisions had to be made fast, we were all called to action.

In the Western world dreaming is not seen as real but my dreams have always felt real to me. They have been my support and guide since a babe, such a dear friend and I take note and listen to them with contemplation.

Dreaming bares the seed that holds the future potential. The dreaming the Earth shares with us has been corrupted and many of us only have fragments of this dream in memory. This endangers us to taking life as the real and not reading or intuiting underneath the motivations of the loud voices that direct the world . It can splinter our ability to see the big bad wolf when standing right in front of us because the eyes no longer see and the ears no longer truly hear. A large population of people have deranged taste buds from all the additives and flavourings in foods. Real food, good food, clean food no longer tastes good and needs to be sauced, salted, peppered, MSGed, coloured and condimented to be enjoyed.

The dreaming is like a long stream of consciousness, a life line to who we are and our origins. When we arrive through mother into the world we are met by the conditioning that is fixed in the culture we land in…family, extended family, religion, community, state, country and world. The more receptive a being is the more they can be inundated and held down by the decided ways one should do, act, be, think, live etc.

The feminine in design is receptive. This makes her more easily influenced by shadowing judgements and she super imposes these on herself, adhering to these rules of conduct that she tells herself she must adhere to. It creates a lot of inner conflict, a head - heart split.

When we take the conditioning and apply it on ourselves rather than questioning it to see if it is right for us we tie up our ability to think for ourselves, to make choices from our personal power and contact our true feelings so we can discern what feels good.

The growing layers of denying this inner voice and making oneself move to judgements that control and constrict the flow of the soul, cripples a woman. On the outside she does not look crippled but it does show up in her life, her relating to herself and other, her behaviours, her vitality, her emotionality, her beliefs and perceptions and this creates her reality.

Women who have the seed to awaken, to be a seeder of new culture, to befriend the feminine and help her come into her place in the world spend years on a journey of undoing, untying and unfolding this colonial programming that she had become locked into.

In this wound, the void where denial of self goes there are unfelt and unexpressed feelings. Feelings that never got to be felt because they were told they were not okay. We do not realise how deep this goes until we start to de mask ourselves, see our judgements and the hold they have had on us. We don’t realise how much we don’t allow ourselves to feel, think and there for have less clarity to act on what is right for us.

Removing ourselves from this sticky web, takes strength, courage, commitment, persistence, work and letting go. As we detangle ourselves from the deranged nature we came to believe we were, we also find our dynamics with others change. We may no longer feel a sense of belonging in our community, with our families, with our friends. Many of our relationships started out in an old reality of self, with perceptions that no longer have shelf life. Change ruffles feathers, the comfy couch though old, tattered and saggy and not really supporting the spine and good posture anymore is comfortable and safe for the head. But once we start to awaken and join our mind and heart we see the tatters, we feel the sag, we are aware that it’s not supporting our body, our health anymore. We know that we need to let go of the old couch for our wellbeing, for our true comfort, for our happiness.

But culture conditions us to hang on, if you are together for 50 years it is amazing and yet a couple together for 2 could have the most true love than a 50 year old marriage. This idea ‘together forever’, having the same friends since little school, making your fiends for life at college are ideas that have people judging their own evolution. It leans to taking on a stigma of not being successful in relationship, not being able to keep friendships and can cause us to endure, staying in things, keeping small, going through motions, not taking risks, playing inauthentic roles and not moving forward. It can create an unhealthy dynamic with loyalty and expectations of self to be in things that are no longer relevant to where you are at now.

When we watch tele and movies we receive cultural conditioned input. Notice the coffee culture in movies, the take out culture, the meat culture, the dairy, the drinking culture. This is the norm. But in the movies we never see the repercussions of their lifestyles, the food intake. Often a person who gets cancer in a movie does not go through a transformation of lifestyle. They continue to eat and drink crap. They are shown to go through all these inner transformations but the connection to food, drink, environment does not change. They continue as they were. We are sold chemo, surgeries and medical interventions as the one pathway when you have diseases even though there may be other avenues. But media seems to support one culture, start looking at what you watch in a discerning way and you will find the narrow field at play.

In movies we also see so much advertising of objects for us to buy. Brands shown, mentioned or subtly displayed when we are watching, open and receptive to a story unfolding before our eyes. In this state of receiving we are vulnerable to being cultured by those industries that earn money from our invested interest.

When we begin to awaken and de-lice ourselves from conditioning we start to synchronise with the universe rather than man made rules. We start to think for ourselves, question right to the source of something, we feel, with clarity the disharmony and want to align to greater harmony, we listen to the soft voice inside that has our back over the loud crushing voices of judgement and those that do not have the collectives wellbeing in heart.

As the awaken one grows into this new flowering she may find a distance develop with others around her. They may not hear the rivers of the soul, they may be still in the game unawakened, they may not see what is going on. This can be heart breaking, it can feel isolating and bring up fear. But after a time you attract your people, a new community begins to build who share this awakening. Jumping Mouse story tells this beautifully. With good company, strength to continue your own way grows inside you, deeper trust in your knowing and a sense of purpose in the grand scheme of things anchors.

Awakening is a process, a continual dance with life. We are not readying ourselves for an eternity that we go to after this life, we are in it now. This is it, it is in every moment and it continues infinitely home.

Gather your courage, muster into your strength and connect to your brilliance and keep walking, yep it can be hard but would you like to go back to being a crippled woman?

As you free your cells (selves), those who are also on this pathless path will be attracted to you, new companions and new family will grow. Stay True to you and you will be on track.


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I live on Whadjuk land.  Love and Acknowledgment to... 
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