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Change and Flow - Flow and Change

Greetings and love to you

I do hope you are travelling well and enjoying the arrival of Spring and in Noongar Wisdom the season of Djilba.

Tinos Greece, at the Marble Village

I have been away in the top part of the world. A first time in Greece and a revisit to the Green Lands of England.

Greece felt like home to me. We stayed on a small island called Tinos where the people shared grand heart gestures and I felt such softness in a contrasting rocky dry landscape.

England was a time of joy shared with family and friends who we do not get to see very often. A delightful reunion with loved ones.

I love travel. This trip away was the first since my time mending from heavy metal toxicity and opportunistic viruses. I had become so home bound and comfortable in my four walls that going away long and far abroad brought an anxiety to my body which I watched over as we got closer to leaving.

I have been applying the Anthony Williams Medical Medium protocols for sometime which has been a life saver for me and the dilemma was how to keep this up whilst travelling. When I was in the plane, seat belt on and ready to take off it became very clear and funny. I was getting a lesson in letting go of control! and Trust that I had the resilience now to travel.

See we get into a Flow. And I like my Flow. If I was to peg myself as a rhythm it would be FLOW. But to experience new ways, Flow even when it is good has to change eventually and go through chaos to find the new Flow.

Travel is all about change, going to new places, meeting new people, experiencing new things, food, culture and making new discoveries. Requiring us to leave our usual routines. Just change itself creates a little chaos to our lives. And the only way through it is to let it move us, to show us the new door that is opening and to let go of the old life we had got quite comfortable in and used to.

‘I love Change’ I say and yet when I head toward it I feel my cells shaking in anticipation. Even our cells ‘shake it up’ to get on page with the new direction.

Since I have returned I have had to change from the Flow of a moving Airbnb nomad to a creative home dweller. Again change and letting myself unravel into a new Flow for a new cycle here.

One thing we can be sure about is things are always changing. If you are a Flow girl like me change can be tricky at times. Don’t think something is wrong if you feel fear lurking as you come up to change, it is just part of the course, let yourself feel it and move through the rhythms of change let it show you a new FLOW.

Gabrielle Roth an American dancer and Shamanic Healer left us the legacy of The Five Rhythms.


She discovered through dance we all go through 5 Rhythms which are essential to our birth, death, rebirth process. Her work helped me understand myself better and the transformation process on a body level as we move through change.

Being unwell was a Great Change for me. There was loss of work, loss of community, loss of friends, loss of the life I was living, loss of beliefs and loss of sureness in health and healing. It brought up fears I thought I did not have of mortality, dying, pain, being unwell, being alone. It was quite striking, and the hermit life was all that I could give to.

A life experience that slowed me right down and turned me around. Gifting me with new ways to share, a new creative - heart community, new friends, a new way of living my life and a deeper love of self.

As I let this cycle and the rhythms transform me, my creative self began to rise. I started making things with my hands, like weaving bowls, clay figures and paintings. I began to play the piano, sing more and compose songs.

When well enough I joined a Womens Writing Circle, which has been so nourishing. Even though there was part of my life that felt like a wilting rose there was another that was like a fresh succulent green shoot bounding up to push through the surface and meet the sun.

On a poetry retreat recently when I was singing this question to the forest.

’What will you do with this one precious life of yours’

a phrase from poet Margaret Atwood. I noticed that where ever I looked, nature whispered,

'In Carnage there is Life and in Life there is Carnage’.

We have many lives in one life and this wisdom reminded me that these natural rhythms continuously cycle through us. Helping us Grow, Evolve, Transform and Birth.

So in my time of Carnage when the world was busy I had space and time. When the world around me was all about ’doing to be’ I was undoing and being. As the world was getting faster I was slowing down, leaning back to rest into existence and my Divine Self. When the world was trafficking and reacting to fear I was facing the fears I housed. When the world was out doing workshops, courses, concerts and socialising. I was with my best friend, ME and got to know who I am more intimately.

Right now in the world there is lots of change occurring. Two big examples are climate change and information technology. If you look at what is happening with a rhythm perspective you can shift yourself from being perpetually swept up in the collective of heightened anxiety and despair and come into you and find a new flow in the current events or cycle you are experiencing.

Tuning in, feeling our body and feeling sensations and moving in a receptive way with our bodies helps us to create space so we see better and our cells vibrate to a greater intelligence. Which just makes all challenges when they come, easier and blessed with a sense of Grace.

One of the reasons we do not obey, nurture or respect the cycles we personally are moving through is because of a cultured pressure to feel we must keep up with the world and be like others and how others do. Often we, without knowing it, are measuring ourselves to an external idea of success, passion and happiness and this informs our choices and actions. There can be an expectation of self to fulfil "roles" that for most of us is unreal and something we actually cannot keep up with whilst keeping our integrity intact.

Each round of change, transition and transformation is a shake up so we review our roles and live closer to the FLOW of our SOUL.

May your inner garden be vibrant with the smells, sounds and colours of Spring.

with love and warm sunny rays


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