Sacred She Wisdom
Greetings and love to you,
Once many years ago but still fresh today
Sacred She Wisdom
came to me in a dream,
I saw a stone bridge curving over water surrounded by lush green forest
Over the bridge with words clearly formed, hovered
Sacred She Wisdom
I felt my breath
like a first breath a baby takes when they realise they have pierced through the window into the world
and wrapped in the warmth of mothers arms
In a timeless moment I received a knowing that words deliver awkwardly..
Sacred She Wisdom
required to restore a circle of balance
serving the whole
a natural global perspective
starts with self
Each person is being asked to wake up
To wake up to the creative life spark within
to go ‘back into alignment’ is not our way forward
to go into new alignment is
body, mind, heart, spirit and soul
It requires courage and trust
Each of us whether aware or not are affected by each other
what happens to one person happens to all of us
we share the greater soul
we share the collective mind
we share the heart
we share the Earth
and so what happens to another
cannot not touch you
miracles of healing
are up to us
to give and receive a safe sanctuary to return to self
to create and nurture a loving world
the only world we can change is our own
and so it begins with us
There are many ways to a deeper understanding of self
The common thread
is awakening awareness of our connection to everything
when this happens there is nothing that is not a teacher
every moment has a reflection, a wise one in it
Deep listening allows us to hear it, to notice
When we are aware we can change habits
we can weave our dreams into reality
be awake in sleep
We are invited to come to know our true desires
many times what we think we desire is not it at all
more a conditioned response, what we think we want
our bodies don’t lie to us
our feelings are a responder to experience
when we listen without edit or judgement
we are kinder, more generous, care taking
we act with compassion
we rise to what is needed
we love
that is love flows through us
Sacred She Wisdom
The Mother of All
is asking us to get back in touch
asking us to wake up
asking us to understand self
rather than hide, avoid and divert
we are asked to be the creative one
the receiver of the creator
each in our own way
it is not so much a doing, over drive,
got to wake everyone else up
it is a softening, a sinking into, a beholding of you
The Earth is fine and will be
The Earth can shake us off in a flash
A new humanity can be born again
a new world can be formed
from the destruction of this one
It is not the Earth that needs saving, it is us
when she can’t stretch for us anymore
when she can’t hold the level of poisoning and pollution
when we are too distant in heart to be in her reach
she will for her own good
throw us off
perhaps a giant wave, an earth quake or fire
like the old saying
mother needs to put on her oxygen mask first before her children
so too does the Earth
so our longevity as a humanity on this Earth
is dependent on our collective stability and consciousness
the more we wake up
understand our selves better
move the obstacles in our hearts
and let the loving light come in through our windows
the greater possibility it is for the Earth to hold us
to give us this experience
that we are living as one
alone and yet all one
in it together
actually there is no such thing
it is a perception
out of touch with self
an unquenched longing that we think is out of reach
a spirit soul poverty
The Earth speaks directly
look’s us straight in the eye
nothing is hidden
but we hide inside ourselves from ourselves
Now we are asked to come out
to face what we we need to face
to be there for each other
to join the circle of Balance
to restore
to receive
to listen
Sacred She Wisdom