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Why Clear Spaces?

"If we are willing, in this very moment, to take responsibility for our own depth of awakening, for our own authentic peace, then at least one spot on Mother Earth is at peace, is free. And when it is possible for you, you recognise the possibility for all.” Gangaji

I am often asked how I got into the field of clearing and healing spaces. The hummingbird in me has that natural sensitivity for clear and open space. It is a beauty not of the mundane eye but felt in heart when we enter space and rest on sacred land, a song of sweet and deep harmony.

As a child I remember feeling the environments around me. Home, school, grandparents homes, neighbours houses, parks, land etc or had certain qualities. Some felt good some felt stressful and others quite heavy. Some places I found difficult to be in. Often I had nightmares and felt petrified by visits of spirits during the night. When I could find my body again and gather the courage I would run to my parents bedroom and sleep on the floor.

As a child I loved hanging out in nature and could feel the aura of the plants and tree's. I felt refreshed and refilled and mother nature taught me a lot about clearing, connecting and revitalising. I've always felt a strong connection to the land and wild spaces. Funny when I think back that I was made the Grounds Prefect in primary school, my path was already set :)

When I started to spread my wings and delve into the healing arts, space clearing just naturally landed in my heart and I have been doing it ever since.

My first client was a sales agent for a display home. Which was a very interesting gig. Firstly it is not lived in. Its form is designed to sell. Everything is neutrally decorated to leave the canvas blank so dreams are seeded for people to grow a vision board in their own minds.

I loved this first job. I learnt so much. My role began to develop in a way that I had not anticipated. Giving a place for people to speak about their experience in a space, what they wanted to experience and to witness a client to come to their own aha moments, given a chance to hear themselves.

I found my role assisted a new awareness of one's environment, relationships, their dreams and current life circumstances. The consultation became good medicine that complimented the actual hands on clearing and healing. This particular client came to me because he felt stress with his work. Post healing he felt better, more relaxed and natural in his working environment. Something began to change in his client relationships, his work and his sales increased. He was surprised at the difference.

As we came into this new century the word began to spread quickly about 'eco friendly' living and sustainability more than ever before. A growing awareness for care taking our environment and the earth which I'm totally into. Yet the environment that I see and feel everyday is the mental, emotional, spiritual environment which impacts the way we consume, waste and caretake. My prayer was to assist people to discover true eco sustainable support for the earth, the community, our families and ourselves by addressing our energetic spaces and earth connection - our foundation.

The home really is a template of the way we relate to our body, soul and life. It never ceases to leave me in wonder at the innocent design behind our worldly movements. How we attract places and people from unconscious blueprints. When the foundations are in a good place the home and premise of our businesses then become a support and beloved friend in coming more into who we truly are.

At first offering something seemingly intangible into a very material system many people could not see the value in it. So at first I would tend to work for those homes or businesses that were really stuck. But I also would have souls who would contact me because they wanted to cover all bases, to start with clear new foundations and to receive support to break old patterns. This work I particularly love.

When I first started to clear my premise and space consciously as a rentee it was such a relief to not have to endure certain energetics that were harboured within the walls and land and to allow the new energy alignments of support. As a sensitive both telepathically and kinaesthetically you could imagine the relief.

Down the track I began to incorporate sacred geometry and work more directly with the earth. This lead to studying Earth Healing with Devahanah Ellandria and meeting up with an earth community that was on the page of my own heart.

With the type of work I get called to places. I remember a weekend getaway with my husband. It was a lovely tendered bush property, untouched by weeds and full of wild flowers. The owner who had a strong connection with the plant kingdom and nature spirits took beautiful care of this land. We were in this serene place yet the next day I awoke with a sense of hopelessness and unexplained grief. I decided to go for a walk into the bush, sit and be with the land. To listen, to be present. I sang to the song lines and spoke to this place. Something cleared and relaxed.

The next day I met up with the owner of the property who was taking us to see a sight close by. She openly shared with me how she was feeling quite hopeless and sad regarding the matters of the land around her and how it was being taken up by industry and agriculture. When we arrived back from our walk she remarked on how much better she felt after our time together. The door had been opened. This is what I cherish about this work it is so organic and really is carried on the winds of Grace.

The premise and land hold patterns. These patters recreate over and over like samsara. I see tenants repeating the same story in a house just in a different way. Businesses closing up after a short time. We can continue an old pattern or we can change it and create an environment that is aligned to a new pattern that serves now. There is an osmosis between ourselves and our environments. WE become it and it becomes us so making sure we create healthy living and working spaces is really important. To bless the land, bless our homes, bless our businesses, bless our life, bless each other.

I've been to homes with terrible histories of abuse and after the healing is completed it is totally transformed. This work has given me a foundation of compassion for the experiences of life and the way we do our best to face them. It has given me the gift of humility to know that there is a far greater picture going on and that I'm only receiving a glimpse. It is the strength of a sincere heart and gentle witnessing presence that Earthspace healing invites me into a deeper relationship with. We all have a story... the earth, the land, the people, the children, the animals, the ancestors. It is good medicine to have a story acknowledged and a lot of my work is exactly this.

A home healing is something I wish when I was a kid that my parents had done. Sometimes I've been into houses and a room is just unsuitable for a certain child and after a switch the parents will tell me it is much better. A child's sensitive psyche to subtle energy can make sleeping and learning difficult. I love to be able to educate and provide a service that enables children to feel safer and at home here on earth.

"I provide support in creating an environment that brings new consciousness into your living and working life. If your going to travel I say travel light!"

There is clarity and empowerment that comes with realigning the home foundations to greater wellbeing. When we take that time and bring our presence to it magic sure does happen. Of course I do not wipe away the challenges from your life. I provide support in creating an environment that brings new consciousness into your living and working life. If your going to travel I say travel light!

My work has grown into the health arena. Wellness settings are often not well places. Often I find these spaces ungrounded, stagnant in energy flow and in dire need of a good detox. I've worked with naturopath centres, yoga studios, retreats and healing centres. All these places have high traffic and high release. When a space like this is care taken and has a strong energetic foundation you naturally feel support to let go.

Each home, land or business and the person or family I work with is unique. This work has taken me across the globe via distant healing's and personal travel where I've been called to assist. It has opened me to a line of service that touches across the life span and raises vibrations for the earth and humanity. Working with Mother Earth I have been blessed to discover a support that is on tap for us. If we allow it.

A home and land healing brings back the element of balance. It gives you an opportunity to come more into your heart centre and take up a fuller residence inside you. It allows you to meet yourself more honestly and deeply. Each time I am in the healing circle for an EarthSpace healing I meet energies of all kinds. When these energies are seen and given presence, healing happens.

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I live on Whadjuk land.  Love and Acknowledgment to... 
The Spirit of the land, current and past Caregivers, Ancestors and Elders.
My Teachersthe Wisdom In Everything , the Song that Sings Our Creation.  

Infinite gratitude to Great Mother Who We Are All Born Through.

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