Be the creator
Creation is a playground we are all born to create to create is to make something with our own hands an extension of our heart and soul to make, to weave, to pat something into shape to give of our soul essence and fertilise it with vision
Courage and determination spurs us forward as we come up against the voices of old conditions and fear People may tell you to give up, your dreaming, it is not possible yet inside is a voice that continues to seed this idea, this potentiality, this possibility, that see's through all odds
That voice inside can easily be drowned in a sea of doubt the inner fire of the original vision diminishing into dimness we can give in to the majority rule, we can lose motivation and become a victim of deciding that the circumstances are against us the voices of self defeat grow, depressing our soul and spirit and we can start to believe in impossibility and settling to get on with living our lot, our fate
but fate gives us the opportunity to find within us that certainty, direction, trust for that true voice within, that there is another way, that we can move through what ever the challenge is after so many knock backs, falling down and heart break we begin to find our inner courage, our fight, our worth and our birthright which is to be Divine creators
to sing the song of creation through us in our unique style
we realise we have a responsibility, it is we who with our own hands shape the 7 generations of our future, the health of our earth and the collective wellbeing of our humanity we stand up, we keep up and we write our destiny by choosing to live it, to breath spirit into it and give it our blood, our sweat, our tears and our soul essence